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Die Arabisch-Europäische Liga hat eine freie Meinung.

Die Arabisch-Europäische Liga hat eine freie Meinung. published on Keine Kommentare zu Die Arabisch-Europäische Liga hat eine freie Meinung.

In general, there is a danger in prohibiting certain opinions and an advantage in not doing so. The danger is that prohibition often makes the forbidden acts more attractive. The advantage of allowing people to say whatever they like helps other people to acquire useful information. Indeed, by their words people can be judged. Freedom of speech makes it plain for all to see how despicable some people really are. The AEL cartoons strikingly show where one can find the true heirs of Adolf Hitler in contemporary Europe. If Mr Jahjah had not published his cartoons, the proof that he is an islamofascist would still not have been conclusively delivered. But now it has.
[Paul Belien im Brussels Journal]

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