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Intelligent Falling

Intelligent Falling published on Keine Kommentare zu Intelligent Falling

The Onion hat in der gestrigen Ausgabe einen sehr ausführlichen Bericht über die neue Theorie des 'Intelligent Falling', die mit Sicherheit dazu führen wird, daß die heilige Schrift wieder einen angemessenen Platz in den zeitgenössischen Naturwissenschaften einnehmen kann:

Proponents of Intelligent Falling assert that the different theories used by secular physicists to explain gravity are not internally consistent. Even critics of Intelligent Falling admit that Einstein's ideas about gravity are mathematically irreconcilable with quantum mechanics. This fact, Intelligent Falling proponents say, proves that gravity is a theory in crisis.

"Let's take a look at the evidence," said ECFR senior fellow Gregory Lunsden."In Matthew 15:14, Jesus says, 'And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.' He says nothing about some gravity making them fall—just that they will fall. Then, in Job 5:7, we read, 'But mankind is born to trouble, as surely as sparks fly upwards.' If gravity is pulling everything down, why do the sparks fly upwards with great surety? This clearly indicates that a conscious intelligence governs all falling."

[The Onion, via Sisyphus Shrugged]

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