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Wer hat's gesagt?

Wer hat's gesagt? published on 5 Kommentare zu Wer hat's gesagt?

I have spent a lot of my life working on questions such as these, using the only methods I know of; those condemned here as "science", "rationality", "logic" and so on. I therefore read the papers with some hope that they would help me "transcend" these limitations, or perhaps suggest an entirely different course. I'm afraid I was disappointed. Admittedly, that may be my own limitation. Quite regularly, "my eyes glaze over" when I read polysyllabic discourse on the themes of poststructuralism and postmodernism; what I understand is largely truism or error, but that is only a fraction of the total word count. True, there are lots of other things I don't understand: the articles in the current issues of math and physics journals, for example. But there is a difference. In the latter case, I know how to get to understand them, and have done so, in cases of particular interest to me; and I also know that people in these fields can explain the contents to me at my level, so that I can gain what (partial) understanding I may want. In contrast, no one seems to be able to explain to me why the latest post-this-and-that is (for the most part) other than truism, error, or gibberish, and I do not know how to proceed.

5 Kommentare

Das mit der Vergötterung ist ein verbreitete Ansicht... erst heute meinte allerdings jemand, dem ich obigen Link ebenfalls geschickt hatte, alle Linguisten mit denen er darüber gesprochen habe hätten gemeint, fast alle Linguisten seien Chomsky-Jünger und sie gehörten zu den wenigen Rebellen. Aber es ist dennoch was dran, glaube ich. Bin selbst auch kein Fan.

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