A judge who struck down a Dover, Penn., school board's decision to teach intelligent design in public schools said he was stunned by the reaction, which included death threats and a week of protection from federal marshals.
In a 139-page decision last year, Jones ruled that the Dover school board intended to promote religion when it instituted a policy requiring students to hear a statement about intelligent design before ninth-grade biology lessons on evolution. He ruled that it is unconstitutional to teach intelligent design as an alternative to evolution.
"And if you would have told me when I got on the bench four years ago that I would have death threats in a case like this as opposed to, for example, a crack cocaine case where I mete out a heavy sentence, I would have told you that you were crazy," he said. "But I did. And that's a sad statement."
[AP/Wichita Eagle via Evolution]
Vielleicht ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis sich bei Fundamentalisten aller Couleur die Morddrohung als Mittel der Wahl im politischen Diskurs durchgesetzt hat. Frage an den fundamentalistischen Leser: Welcher Ihrer Meinungen würden Sie als erster mit einer deftigen Morddrohung Nachdruck verleihen wollen?
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